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A collection of appetizer and beverage stock images featuring the photography of David Lauwe.
Available in large and small format professional prints on Kodak Endura paper with a variety of framing and mounting options, fine art prints or royalty-free digital format.
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A Roman Column Appetizer DisplayA Bouquet of Fresh Flowers with Colorful Frozen BeveragesBlue Martinis in Long-Stemmed GlassesA Bouquet of Fresh Flowers with Colorful Frozen BeveragesLobster AppetizerLobster Appetizer With Red SauceA Colorful Arrangement of Fresh Fruit with MelonAppetizers in Long Stemmed GlassesAppetizers in Long Stemmed GlassesAppetizers in Long Stemmed GlassesBeer and WIne on IceCeremic Wine Bottle with Lighthouse CandlesCheese AppetizerClams on the Half ShellClams on the Half ShellClassic Jumbo Shrimp CocktailCold Cut PlatterCold Cut PlatterCold Cut PlatterCold Cuts Appetizer